

Before you stop reading, no, this is not a newsletter about how to meet and date professional cheerleaders. While a matchmaker may be able to help you find your perfect pompom shaker, this newsletter is about bringing that cheerleader energy into a relationship (no mid-air flips or uniforms required).

If you’ve ever been to a sporting event, be it professional or for kids, chances are you’ve seen excited cheerleaders on the sidelines. While sometimes overlooked, these encouragers play an important role. They are there for their team every step of the way, praising them when they do well, and helping them get back on track if they mess up.

But what does that have to do with your relationship?

You can be a cheerleader…

Yes, you read that right. Anyone can be a cheerleader in their relationship with their significant other. The great thing about this role is that there are no cuts. The squad will not pass you over because of your skill or because you don’t have enough pep.

Be a cheerleader in the way that works best for you. If you’re the kind of person to leave notes, do that, and encourage your partner when they need it. If you’re more of a talker, then use your words to tell them what they need to hear to be encouraged!

…in the good times…

When we experience something exciting in our lives – like a job promotion, or a sports accomplishment, or we finish a big project – it’s always nice when the people in our lives acknowledge it.

This means you should let your partner know when you’re proud of them! Even if it seems obvious to you, or if you’re pretty sure your partner already knows, tell them anyway. It can’t hurt to remind your significant other of how you feel.

…and the bad…

You may not think about cheering someone on when they’re not doing well. If they’re sad, or if they feel like a failure, it could feel inappropriate to clap for them. But it’s in instances like this that cheerleading is the most important.

When your favorite team loses a game, do you completely write them off, and vow to never support them again. Well, maybe you’ve been tempted to do so, but true fans stick with their favorite players. Encourage your partner even when they aren’t doing great. Cheer them on so that they’re prepared to succeed the next time.

…even if you don’t understand.

Being a cheerleader might be hard when you don’t totally understand what’s going on. How can you tell your team what to do when you don’t quite get the game they’re playing? Of course, this is not an excuse to stop being a cheerleader.

When you support someone, you do your best to understand what they’re going through, and give them the support they need even if you’re confused. Hearing your words of support – or seeing you wave your pompoms in the air – are sometimes all someone needs to succeed, or at least get through a tough time.

gay partner talking and working togethergay partners in a happy relationship